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User Guide

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Connection Setting
  1. NewTaipei is a free wireless Internet service. You can log in without authentication. When connecting to NewTaipei, you can click the agree button (red button) to connect to the Internet.
  2. Please check that the device you are using such as a Laptop, Tablet, Computer, Smartphone, etc. supports the Wi Fi network function.
  3. After connecting, if it is not used for 15 minutes, or if it is used continuously for more than 4 hours, the system will actively interrupt the service. After disconnection, please reconnect to continue using.
  4. To set up your wireless network access, please go to “Network Connections” and complete your wireless network settings.

    4-1 If your device uses iOS
    Step 1.Settings 2.Activate 3.Select 4.Connect
    Description Click Settings on the desktop Activate W-iFi Select wireless network

    4-2 If your device uses the Android OS
    Step 1.Settings 2.Activate 3.Select 4.Connect
    Description Click Settings on the desktop Activate W-iFi Select wireless network After your Web browser is activated,you will be re-directed to the New Taipei authentication screen automatically.

    4-3 If you are using a laptop, please search for the relevant wireless network
    Step 1.Settings 2.Activate 3.Select 4.Connect
    Description Click Wireless Network Connection in the toolbar Select New Taipei wireless network Connect to New Taipei network After your Web browser is activated,you will be re-directed to the New Taipei authentication screen automatically
瀏覽人次:2539 人 更新日期:2022-09-07