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Does Wi-Fi electromagnetic radiation affect health?
  • 發佈日期:2023-03-30
  • 發佈單位:新北市政府資訊中心
  • 類  別:WiFi
  • 詳細內容:
  • You need to use Wi-Fi AP to enjoy the convenience of broadband Wi-Fi access. However, health concerns about Wi-Fi electromagnetic radiation have been the topic of heated discussion for some time. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) stated that the official threshold values for limiting the health impact of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields should remain below 1 mW / sq cm (1,000 microwatts / sq cm or 10.0 micro watts / square meter).The National Communications Commission measured Wi-Fi AP electromagnetic radiation in Taiwan in June 2008 and determined that the value was 0.000000379 microwatts/sq cm, which is far lower than the proposed ICNIRP threshold. The Taipei Environmental Protection Agency also invited several private companies to test AP location electromagnetic radiation values. An agency spokesperson pointed out that, with reference to the standard 1,000 microwatts/sq cm, the spots with the highest values (2.08 microwatts/ sq meter) are those closest to the transmitter and they are still much lower than the reference standard. According to a report released in May 2006 by the World Health Organization (WHO) on "Electromagnetic waves and public health: base stations and wireless network technology", there is still no reliable scientific evidence to prove that weak electromagnetic radiation from Wi Fi networks will cause any health problems.

瀏覽人次:1219 人 更新日期:2023-05-09